The SGIE Report completes a decade...

Pulse of the Global Islamic Economy

11 Jumada Al-Aakhir, 1445 AH


the global Islamic economy has grown from a US$1.62 trillion consumer spending market, as estimated in 2012, to US$2.29 trillion in 2022.

In other news, we are excited to virtually launch the 10th edition of the State of the Global Islamic Economy Report on December 26. Do sign up.

This is the 10th edition of the State of the Global Islamic Economy (SGIE) Report, which was first launched in 2013. In the ten years of covering this space, the global Islamic economy has grown from a US$1.62 trillion consumer spending market, as estimated in 2012, to US$2.29 trillion in 2022. It has been driven by a young and fast-growing global population that extends beyond the core 1.9 billion Muslim consumers to include a wider global ethical consumer market.